


​2024 Success

Four teams from Cavendish Road High competed in the 2024 Opti-MINDS challenge, demonstrating exceptional effort and teamwork. Despite the intense competition, the teams achieved impressive results.

Cav Rd Team 4 earned an Honours Award in the Science Engineering division, securing a well-deserved 'silver medal'.

Cav Rd Team 2 not only received an Honours Award but also the prestigious “Spirit of Opti-MINDS” award – an outstanding achievement for a Year 7 team.

The other two teams (Cav Rd 1and Cav Rd 3 displayed remarkable ingenuity and school spirit throughout the competition.

Although no Cav Rd teams are advancing to the next round this year, the students' enthusiasm for next year’s competition is already building, which speaks volumes about the positive impact of their experience.​

Cavendish Road State High School has a long and proud history of successfully competing in the Queensland Opti-minds Creative Sustainability Challenge. This is an inclusive and creative problem solving team challenge for both junior and senior levels of schooling, which empowers participants to think, create and communicate. Participants are required to solve demanding, open-ended challenges from one of the following categories: language literature, science engineering, social sciences.  

The Opti-minds Challenge is an opportunity for all those with a passion for learning and problem solving to showcase their skills and talents in an exciting, vibrant and public way.   

The challenge

Teams work collaboratively for up to six weeks on a long-term challenge without external assistance. They are encouraged to explore and experiment with ideas, developing creative solutions within set limitations like materials, challenge criteria, and deadlines. On challenge day, they present their solution to judges and an audience in a 10-minute performance within a 3x3 metre area. Additionally, teams participate in an unseen spontaneous challenge requiring quick thinking and teamwork. Judges, who are professionals from various fields, assess both the creative and technical aspects of the presentations.​

Opti-minds objectives

  • To foster creative responsiveness - a “CAN DO” culture
  • To provide challenge, enrichment and stimulation
  • To facilitate the ability to adapt to and harness change to advantage
  • To foster flexibility, innovative thinking and functioning
  • To promote complex thinking and creative problem solving skills
  • To encourage reflective thinking and self-directed learning
  • To facilitate empowerment and responsibility
  • To promote an understanding and appreciation of self and others
  • To develop effective communication & collaborative thinking skills
  • To celebrate difference
  • To foster cooperation and teamwork
  • To promote enterprise and initiative
  • To stimulate a spirit of exploration, investigation, experimentation and a love of learning
  • To provide a collaborative link between all sectors of education, community & industry
  • To promote unashamed excellence​!®    

Our aim

Opti-minds’ aim is to enhance the potential of all participants by developing diverse skills, enterprise, time management and the discipline to work collaboratively within a challenging and demanding environment. 

We encourage participants to be Unashamedly excellent!®   

Real world benefits

Opti-minds looks beyond conventional achievement and understands that the pursuit of excellence knows no boundaries.  

Opti-minds offers participants a total experience, providing challenge and growth through its long term and spontaneous problem solving structure. The challenge process provides a platform for excellence and equips participants with strategies and skills which will support future success.    

Accept the challenge

Opti-minds is a CELEBRATION of the talents and abilities within our society! 

Thousands of people flock annually to participate in; to watch and to enjoy the exhilarating spectacle of presentations and ingenious solutions created by motivated participants who have accepted The Opti-minds Challenge. Take up the challenge of Opti-minds and help build a brighter future for us ALL! 

Opti-Minds Achievements at Cavendish Road State High School

  • 2015: Senior Science and Engineering team – Regional Final winners and State Final runner-up; Three teams received Regional Honours; One team awarded the "Spirit of Opti-Minds."
  • 2014: Senior Science and Engineering team – Regional Final winners and State Final runner-up; Junior Language and Literature team – Regional Honours.
  • 2013: Senior Science and Engineering team – Regional Final winners and State Final runner-up; Junior Language and Literature – Regional Final winners and State finalists.
  • 2012: All three teams qualified for State Finals; State Honours in Div 2 Language and Literature and Science and Engineering.
  • 2010: State Winners in Div 3 Science and Engineering; State Honours in Div 3 Social Sciences; Regional Winners in Div 3 and Div 4 Language and Literature.
  • 2009: State Winners in Div 3 Science and Engineering; State Honours in Open Div Science and Engineering and Language and Literature.
  • 2008: State Winners in Div 3 Science and Engineering and Open Div Social Sciences; Australian representatives in international exchange for both categories.
  • 2007: Regional Winners in Div 2 Social Sciences; State Honours in Div 2 Social Sciences.​​
Last reviewed 12 September 2024
Last updated 12 September 2024