Cavendish Road State High School provides students with a once in a lifetime chance to learn valuable life skills through their participation in an exciting expedition to a challenging destination - life skills such as leadership, teamwork, communication, awareness of others, risk management and money management. It’s not just an amazing trip to another country, but a whole developmental journey that starts long before students step on a plane.
The Cav Rd programs are facilitated by trained expedition leaders but are student led. The Expedition company book the first night’s accommodation – and that’s it! Students will have to take on all the day-to-day responsibilities and manage the budget for the duration of the expedition. We want our students coming back changed people. By planning their own itinerary and travelling to the other side of the world, spending time volunteering in a developing community and trekking through challenging terrain, World Challenge believe that this growth can be achieved.
This program is an 18 month leadership and personal development program, which culminates in a three week expedition to a developing country. The program involves the students raising the funds for the expedition, planning the expedition and finally leading the expedition within the destination country.
The trip is offered every two years to students in Year 10 and 11 in the year of the trip.